thaKing and I have been looking for a house for oh, at least the last two years. We are extremely picky and don't have an infinite budget. After seeing this one house for months and months on the local MLS, with it's bold paint colors and cluttered rooms, the price was reduced and suddenly it became worthy of a drive by. It is in the neighborhood where one of my best friends from high school lives with her family, pool and tennis courts. The house is on a culdesac (perfect for the kid =PFTK), playset in the back yard (PFTK), bigger yard (perfect for the kid/dog=PFTK/D), basement (PFTK/D) and two more bedrooms than we currently have (perfect for the grandmas=PFTG). The initial counter offer came with a demand to list our house with a realtor within one week. We pretty much said eff' off, your house is listed with a major broker and has been on the market for MONTHS! So we did FSBO. After busting our asses cleaning and hiding junk, in preparation for open houses, with no results, rushing home after work to clean/hide crap for people that stayed less time than trick or treaters, almost 90 days later we have a contract! In your face realtors and your 6% commission!
Being the pessimist, I am trying not to get too excited. But, I can't help but think of how I want to decorate and fill the rooms. Alex won't be using this anytime soon, but I'm thinking it may be a must for his 3rd birthday.
I'm not a big fan of themes, but damn this is cute, and it would match the bright yellow hall bath that will be Alex's:
We will also need new patio furniture since the haggler that made an offer on our house wanted 'extras' thrown in, which included the rusty wrought iron patio furniture that I was tired of anyway.
If all works out, I plan on having a lot of fun decorating this new slate! Stay tuned!